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Why did Drugs, black gold and yellow XX Queen's being hided (stored up)? As a matter of fact, to wash the black gloves for 15 years. Queen_jing? To wash from black glove to white. Did your Japanese Father tell you to say:"See Yo 15 na la ." Beside your Japanese Father, Who else also want to wash your black gloves to white?
How come Drugs, black gold and yellow XX Queen is wearing white hat?
How come you have become White, purple and yellow? Queen_Jin, How's your telescope working? How's the steiod drug dealer? Don't forget your husband is dark blue,you are (yellow) . M M are Babies, They are 2 years old.
Don't let your Japanese father always thinking about making you the Goat's Monroe.
How come you have become White, purple and yellow? What kind of parents are these? They have sent their kids to the orphanage. Matthew
Don't take twins sons to kill; Don't take twin son anf daughter to kill. I have heard two days ago you have thrown you daughter in the washroom, to save the money for Paternity test?
Till now it is 1:1, Don't change it into 3:3.
1 Leaf covers 1 Moll.
Right now in Japan, the most popular color has been red, white , At first , in Germany, the most popular colors is red, white, then turned to green and black . And the German Prime Minister is trying to lead the world fashion trend. Wow, the German Prime Minister is leading the world fashion trend again. Right now it is white and yellow.
Small Wooden F Emperor, wearing a black sunglasses,sitting besides two Big brothers, what are you waiting for?
It is the 2021, PHD(Snatch) Son Wei = the First Emperor of Qin.
You are holding a pen (PHD) and hiding behind what?
It is Kill,
then Dragon.
Is this Dragon the same as the Dragon/Snake in the Book of revelation?
the only cares for oneself's 666?
Beside K, who else your Japanese father whats you to pair up with?
It is Small Wooden F Emperor.
Why you are so interested in his Nose? As a matter of fact, small wood F emperor has been wanting to pair up with XT Queenfor N years.
In fact, small wood F emperor,your Japanese Father wants you to 15 99. Congratualtions 21 88.
In fact, the Small wooden F Emperor is the last samurai of Japan.” listen to what Japaneses are saying: "To be more patient,patient,patient... then jump at last." Small wood F Emperor, who you say is a Fool? Who you want to kick out? Who you say is fake, doesn't have any Blood Relations, is the Black Wood Garbage Can?
Liar, gambler, Alcoholic, Drug Dealer, Expertise in fortune telling, Idol worshiping, believing Money can lead to Kingship, new rising star of Gangs, Small wooden F Emperor(Big Judge),
You X Drugs, Why don't you surrender to the Police, but to lie in wait for and scorn at behind my shouders?
Why Small wood F emperor and K Chili are together?
As a matter of fact, is to let you marry small wooden F emperor, and be T's lover(wild milk) for 15 years.
Your Group of 5 people are real family.
(Copied )
A man who liked seeking prostitutes, married a prostitute wife. After the marriage some people asked why he is depressed, he said: "Yesterday I have given her 100 dollars, she unexpectedly gave me 30 dollars change."
Ha, your wife is so unCheap, $70!
"My wife reads "Joyful Brothers ",after this book, has a pair of twin." Harold said to his two colleagues. "That's nothing." A colleague then said that, "my wife read the dumas pere" Three Fires Ringers ", gives birth to the triplets." (Yellow) another colleague has listened to this speech, has turned pale. he impatiently shouted, "my day! Serious, my wife is reading "Ali Baba And 40 Big Robbers", I must go home immediately." (Red)
It is a Gang? There are more than 40 candidates lined up, how popular is your wife!
The bank staff said to the young married woman:" This signature(100 thousand) does not look like your husband's handwriting!" The young married woman replies: "I did not know when I pointed my gun at him, he was that frightened and his hand was shaking that much".
Was there also half of a house?
A female Drug addictive is caught in the police station. The police sees the tattoes on her arm and ask her:"Why you tattoe your boyfriend's name on the arm. Is his name Liang? tell me quickly, Is he also a drug addictive? The female Drug addictive raised her head with angry look and said: "This is Hate..."
Wow, N years ago, your X father swears to back up you to be K Queen.
Why don't they swear to put you into the Police Station?
Come and look at the your X aunty's advice to you : Don't let anybody to take away your (" husband "? ) "Give him All the tender,soft love and care."
"All I can do is to love you to pieces."(Lottery) "I don"t care, who you are(Hooker,Moll), where you from(Nazi), what you did(Drug dealer,murderer), As long as you love me." "No matter what, I will always be on your side.“(There is an extreme question for the morality level)
Why you called me 6, snake?
How you grow paper horn and became Xu Xian?
How did you snatch the children with me?
Who has been who continuously instigating you with this idea?
Including you wife K?
No wonder you continuously thought artificial red sugar black woods is 7.
As she continuously cries, every day ,Calls you everyday, uses the trap child to stick to you, wants to be your lifetime "wild milk" .
She wants to be Wild milk=2nd Mother.
"If you change you mind... I am the first in line, give a chance on me."
Come to look at what Japan's XXXta say: "Breaking God" s Law Once, twice, three times....., Again, Good for you."
I have Heard that two days ago you had thrown your daughter in the restroom ,
Why? to save the money from Paternity test?
Why are you so interested to my child?
Who else also are interested?
Your first son's father and second daughter's father?
Now I understood 2 milk (wild milk).
Is that why you freed him?
Is that why you also tie down him by making phone calls to him every day?
"must accompany you every day,"
"Always, Every day, be by your side"!
Why this is axactly what your older sister XXT Queen did to T Emperor four years ago?
(Copied from the Song:
What's your name?)
Love is not rational, Happiness is to do what you want Like a Moth attracted by the flame |